Friday, March 30, 2012

Come Join us on Photo MOODLE!

To celebrate the awesomeness of emotional design, we invite you to join our newest project : Photo Moodle! (Moody Doodle). Here's bit by bit on how you can join us!

How to join our MOODLING project:
  1. Go to the Facebook post of this project ( )and comment using this format "My name is (name) and I'm feeling (mood) today". (Ex: My name is JULIA and I'm feeling INSPIRED today)
  2. We will then doodle your profile picture according to your mood - or as we really love to put it : Moodle it! :)
  3. You will be notified when your moodle-d photo is ready!
  4. You can also tweet us @TheDesignMood or comment on this blog using the same format as mentioned above :) in that case, please drop the url of the pics you want to be moodled. 
TIPS : Make sure that you have the profile picture that you want to have the doodles on! And also be as creative as you can be with your mood! :)

Here are the examples of the Photo Moodle results! 

"My name is SASHA and I'm feeling MUSICAL today"

"My name is GITA and I'm feeling ARTISTIC today"

"My name is GALUH and I'm feeling MAGICAL today"

So don't wait any longer! Join us in the MOODLING quest!


  1. Wow, awesome! My name is Julia and I feel spontaneous today! :)

  2. Such a cool idea! My name is Natalia and I feel like dancing Salsa =)

  3. ...My name is Ralu and I feel hopeful today! :)


  5. Hi Ralu! Thanks for participating. Could you send your photo to dbuvt1[at]gmail[dot]com please? Your link does not work :) Thanks again and looking forward to your photo! :)
