Behind The Design Mood

Hi Design Moodsters!

We are Julia and Sasha, the mini elves working behind The Design Mood :-) . Here is a little bit about us!

Sasha Gayatri / @SashaGaya

Hi! I'm Sasha, I come from Indonesia and currently study Business Communication at Tilburg University.  Apart from being a geeky student and missing the tropical weather of my country, I enjoy design, photography, social media, and all things chocolate. :-) And I secretly wish to be a design ninja one day! I bet writing a blog about it would be a great start, isn't it?

Julia Gershfeld / @JGershfeld

I'm originally from Russia, though have travelled in Europe more than in my homeland. Currently I also study Business Communications in the Netherlands but except for my studies I like adventures, creating bright emotions and simple nice things. I'm happy to share my design mood with you!

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