Wednesday, March 14, 2012

11 tips of creativity for being outstanding

Just two years ago I still didn't expect that I would enjoy studing communications and digital media, start blog about design and learn how to draw graffity (yes, stay turned and you'll know more about this experience) three time zones away from my homeland. At those time I was finishing my first internship in Human Resourses department in one of international giant companies lots of people dream working at. I was spending days looking through thousands of CVs selecting just few for the personal interview. Doesn't sound like much fun, is it..? It was actually not so much fun indeed, but there was at least one huge learning point: I should improve my CV to make it notisable among the ocean of faceless resumes...

Now you would probably wonder, what the hell she's writing about CVs in a design blog?
Just have a look at the selection of creativly designed resumes The Design Mood made for you and get some ideas how to make your resumee awesome and incomparable!
(All resumes can be seen in the original size by clicking on it)

1. Use a timeline to tell about your education or experience or both.

2. Add graphs or charts to tell more about skills, hobbies and experiences

3. Who said that the layout should nesessarely be vertitical and lines should be horisontal. "Let's shake it!"

4. Use icons, persantages or grades to describe how skilled are you in particular field

5. Make it original when printed out.

6. Put your picture into the CV or leave the space for it

7. Pack your experience, built a map or play a game

8. Make your own logo.

9. Use "taking notes" style or scatching

10. Keep it simple but stylish. Clean and clear design is in fashion now.

11. Why not making your resume a real document

Free your imagination and start creating! Just keep in mind: it should be simple, informative, still readable and add something special about you! Good luck!

PS: I know that some of the you are probably not professional designers and don't have time and desire to make a piece of art out of the CV. But there is actualy no reason to waste so much time on it, if you can create, as it is claimed, a "kick-ass" visual resume with the help of by just connecting it to your LinkedIn accouint in one click. Have a look how fancy is that!

Thanks for the materials: one, two, three and CV parade


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